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Encinal Yacht Club
2019 - Spring / Summer Twilights
Preliminary   Spring Twilight    Standings
01 - A: PHRF less than 99 Rating < 99
Sail #Boat NameSkipperPlacePoints1  2  3  4  5  ClubMake
1000OUTSIDERGreg Nelsen141  [2] 1  1  1  sssAzzura 310
usa24SMOKINKevin Clark2122  [10] 2  4  4  eycMelges 24
18263GOOD & PLENTYSteve Berl313[7] 4  3  3  3  Soverel 33
38006SPIRIT OF FREEDOMWilliam Mohr4175  5  [6] 5  2  oycJ/124
40046TWISTEDMichael Pohl52410  1  11  2  [11] stfycFarr 40 One Design
can9NICE RACKZhenya Kirueshkin-stepanoff6256  3  5  11  [11] eycMartin 243
18495ECLIPSESandy Andersen Wertanen7263  7  11  [11] 5  oycExpress 37
9045JETSTREAMDaniel Alvarez8294  10  4  11  [11] eycJs9000
56480LA VIAJERABrian Richards93410  6  7  11  [11] sssJ 109
02 - C: PHRF 99 to 147 Rating => 99 and < 150
Sail #Boat NameSkipperPlacePoints1  2  3  4  5  ClubMake
38047BOMBORARebecca Hinden15[9] 1  1  1  2  eycExpress 27
11WILE E COYOTEDan Pruzan281  4  [9] 2  1  eycExpress 27
8100TAZ!George Lythcott312[4] 3  3  3  3  iycExpress-27
13WADIOACTIVEBrendan Mcnally4133  [5] 2  4  4  eycWylie Wabbit
28925ZILLABrent Draney5172  2  4  9  [9] eycB25
7954DUENDEPhilip Lavelle6216  [6] 5  5  5  eycCal 40
59733ZWEI FLYING FISHMichael Berndt7285  8  9  6  [9] oycSan Juan 33
03 - D: PHRF greater than 150 Rating => 150
Sail #Boat NameSkipperPlacePoints1  2  3  4  5  ClubMake
11CARINAScott Mccoy173  [4] 1  1  2  eycColumbia 5.5
75BLUE JAYD. Ahrens V. Casalaina281  2  3  2  [3] eycJ-22
8890OSITUKIRodney Pimentel3126  [13] 2  3  1  eycCal 28
18782FINNLawrence Duke4174  3  5  5  [6] eycCapo 26
136INCOGNITOScott Racette5192  6  6  [6] 5  eycMoore 24
16354LELO TOOEmily Zugnoni6227  7  [7] 4  4  oycTartan 30
38SONIC DEATH MONKEYSteve And Dominic73011  1  4  14  [14] eycColumbia 5.5
8262BOOGIE WOOGIEJohn Ratto831[11] 8  9  7  7  oycRanger 33
5160BRANDYBilly Cook93911  9  11  8  [14] Santana 22
562MAGICJohn Hansen104411  5  [15] 14  14  eycMercury
00STRONG MEN ALSO CRYEyc Jr. Sailing11465  13  [15] 14  14  eycJ22
usa1ROJAMcmurphy Nelson124711  14  8  14  [14] eycColumbia 5.5
104FOUL AIRMatt Denny134911  10  [15] 14  14  iycOlson 25

2019 - Spring / Summer Twilights - Spring Twilight     Page 1 of 1     Preliminary Standings     Powered by Jibeset Associates on 06/07/19 at 20:28:43


All Fleets: - 1 throw-out after 4 completed races        [ ] indicates a throw-out race
SRE - Single Race Entries are not included in Series Standings